Homeopathy, like any other science, is dependent upon precision and accuracy. As such, it is crucial that all hygienic factors be taken into account during homeopathic treatment, including one often overlooked variable: the patient’s diet. Much in the same way as grapefruit juice interferes with many common, traditional medicines, there are many food and beverage items that may disrupt (or “antidote”) the treatment prescribed by a homeopath. This is just one of many reasons that it is crucial to seek out someone who actually knows what they’re doing; one must take care to seek a professional, licensed homeopath, versus a friend or self-proclaimed “expert.” Those seeking treatment for a broken arm or heart disease wouldn’t rely on some mildly knowledgeable amateur, and similarly, it is vital to look into the background of any homeopathic professional before committing to their advice.

How Diet Can Effect Treatment

Numerous physicians and researchers have noted that many common foods and beverages can interfere with homeopathic treatment, with some professionals believing that these dietary articles may antidote homeopathic treatment. Some of the potential offenders include:

  • Alcohol
  • Cranberries
  • Pineapple
  • Onions
  • Mustard
  • Nutmeg
  • Certain pastries
  • Liver
  • Pork

Two items deserve special mention: coffee and conventional medications. The importance of a well-maintained and conscientious diet during homeopathic treatment is heavily rooted in the theories of Samuel Hahnemann, the creator of homeopathy as a science. He developed many of the standards and methods still in use today, including the notion that, simply put, in order to treat a disease at its core, one must eliminate any additional factors that may have a medicinal impact on the patient. The medicinal properties of coffee, as well as prescription and over-the-counter medications, have been observed as antidotes to several homeopathic remedies, causing many professionals to restrict their use in patients. These and all of the other above items may counter the effects of a homeopath’s prescribed treatment, and at the very least, these external factors can make it difficult to determine whether or not said treatment is working.

The Importance of an Informed Practitioner

There are many other items that physicians take into consideration; the list is extensive, and without the proper knowledge and training, one may either unnecessarily restrict their diet (potentially jeopardizing their health), or continue ingesting items that limit the efficacy of treatment (also jeopardizing their health). Obviously, a patient’s diet will be discussed with his or her physician. Different physicians practice different schools of thought on precisely what to avoid (some even eschew the idea of restrictions). Still, the fact remains that, regardless of approach, one is much better off seeking help from a qualified and licensed health care provider than they are “winging it,” or approaching someone who may do more harm than good; without advice from a licensed and certified homeopath, it is impossible to truly receive a holistic, comprehensive, and individualized approach with which to treat illness.