Additional Support Resources
Please contact any of the additional support resources below which may be helpful for your specific personal or family circumstances. We provide this of additional support resources to you because we feel that your treatments will be strengthened by collaborating with the appropriate medical professional referral.
Child Abuse
Phone: 800-4-A-Child (800-422-4453)
People They Help: Child abuse victims, parents, concerned individuals.
Child Find of America
Phone: 800-A-WAY-OUT (800-292-9688)
People They Help: Parents (abduction, prevention, child custody issues)
Child Sexual Abuse (Darkness to Light)
Phone: 866-FOR-LIGHT (866-367-5444)
People They Help: Children and adults needing local information or resources about sexual abuse.
Family Violence
(National Domestic Violence Hotline)
Phone: 800-799-SAFE (800-799-7233)
TTY: 800-787-3224
Video Phone Only for Deaf Callers: 206-518-9361
People They Help: Children, parents, friends, offenders.
Help for Parents (National Parent Helpline)
Phone: 855-4APARENT (855-427-2736 (available
10 am to 7 pm PST, weekdays
People They Help: Parents and caregivers needing emotional support and links to resources.
Homeopathy Support
(Sign the petition HERE to support Homeopathy)
Human Trafficking
(National Human Trafficking Hotline)
Phone: 888-373-7888
People They Help: Victims of human trafficking and those reporting potential trafficking situations.
Mental Illness
(National Alliance on Mental Illness)
Phone: 800-950-NAMI (800-950-6264 (available
10 am to 6 pm ET weekdays
People They Help: Individuals, families, professionals
Military One Source
phone: 1-800-342-9647
Missing/Abducted Children
Phone: 800-I-AM-LOST (800-426-5678)
People They Help: Parents reporting lost or abducted children, including parental abductions.
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
Phone: 800-THE-LOST (800-843-5678)
TTY: 800-826-7653
People They Help: Families and professionals (social services, law enforcement.
Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN)
Phone: 800-656-HOPE (800-656-4673)
People They Help: Rape and incest victims, media, policymakers, concerned individuals.
Substance Abuse
(National Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Information Center)
Phone: 800-784-6776
People They Help: Families, professionals, media, policymakers, concerned individuals.
Suicide Prevention (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline)
Phone: 800-273-TALK (800-273-8255)
TTY: 800-799-4TTY (800-799-4889)
People They Help: Families, concerned individuals.
Veterans Crisis Line
phone: 1-800-273-8255 Text 838255
Youth in Trouble/Runaways
(National Runaway Switchboard)
Phone: 800-RUNAWAY (800-786-2929)
People They Help: Runaway and homeless youth, families.