by Andrew J. Kaufmann, ND | Mar 1, 2024 | Blog, Homeopathy
Determining the dosage and potency (posology) of classical homeopathic remedies for any condition involves a thorough medical examination by a highly-trained homeopathic practitioner to determine which single remedy (simillimum) most closely fits the constellation of...
by Andrew J. Kaufmann, ND | Feb 1, 2024 | Blog, Homeopathy
Asthma is a difficult condition for anyone to deal with. Not being able to breathe properly is frightening and can be life threatening. Doctors may prescribe medication such as steroids or other types of inhalers, all of which may be used to reduce or slow down...
by Andrew J. Kaufmann, ND | Jan 1, 2024 | Anxiety Disorders, Blog, Homeopathy
It’s that time of the year – when children may experience back to school anxiety about starting a new grade. Some kids may even be starting a new school or beginning school for the first time. Parents or guardians may be looking for ways to help reduce that anxiety....
by Andrew J. Kaufmann, ND | Dec 1, 2023 | Blog, Homeopathy
Homeopathic treatment has been used for various types of ailments ever since it was discovered by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann in 1796. The subject of this article will be, specifically, some of the factors that determine how long a particular homeopathic...
by Andrew J. Kaufmann, ND | Aug 1, 2023 | Blog, Homeopathy
Now that we’ve covered “Miasms: The Foundation of Homeopathy” as well as “Miasms and Disease – Part 1” and “Miasms and Disease – Part 2” we’ll take a look at why you should care about miasms and what they mean to you and your health. Miasm treatments are generally...
by Andrew J. Kaufmann, ND | Jul 1, 2023 | Blog, Homeopathy
What are Miasms? As we mentioned in our last blog, a miasm is defined as the fundamental cause of an erroneous or diseased state of the body. Chronic conditions are caused by chronic miasms, just as acute conditions are caused by acute miasms. Miasms cause a complete...