Case Studies


Jeremy (not his real name) age 28 came to our clinic in 2013 with complaints of fear and anxiety in social situations, especially when in large groups or around women. Anticipatory thoughts of having to appear before a large group or go out on a date with a woman provoked anxiety attacks and profuse sweating. Fear and anxiety around women, low self-esteem and fear of rejection has prevented Jeremy from dating women and having meaningful relationships. In addition, Jeremy was also suffering from persistent, tormenting and unpleasant thoughts of sex, anger and self-hate for the past twelve years.

Jeremy claimed to have a history of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder at age eight, although there was never a formal diagnosis. A confirmed diagnosis of ADD in high school and ongoing panic attacks with profuse perspiration were also described. Both parents had a history of mental illness. A complete medical history also revealed prior drug and alcohol addition, however, Jeremy reported being sober in 2013 with only one relapse in 2012.

Jeremy constantly dwelled on past unhappy events in his life, was very sensitive to bright indoor/outdoor lights and had a strong craving for salty foods.

Jeremy immediately responded to the first dose of Natrum muriaticum and was given several additional doses in different potencies over an 18 month period. Jeremy enrolled in college full time while working part time and started actively dating without fear within the first several months of treatment. Jeremy also joined a local church and began speaking to medium size groups within the church. Jeremy is happy to report that since January 2015, the tormenting, obsessive-compulsive thoughts, anxiety, fear and panic attacks are gone and a new sense of self-confidence is present. Jeremy also received an undergraduate degree in 2015 and expects to be attending graduate school full time in 2016.


Significant progress has been made in this case but this type of condition requires careful, ongoing case management. This may include periodic dosing changes of potency with the homeopathic medicine and the possibility of a new homeopathic medicine whenever there are significant changes in the presenting symptoms


Katherine (not her real name) age 55, arrived at our clinic in 2015 with previous diagnoses in 2013 of the following: Schizophrenia, Bipolar I Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, General Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, Eating Disorder, Hypothyroidism, and Sleep Apnea.  In addition to depression, complaints of bilateral (right and left) shoulder pain/weakness, knee pain, foot pain and hip pain surfaced. Auditory hallucinations and feelings of religious grandeur were also described. Dr. Kaufmann was able to confirm and diagnose Bipolar I Disorder, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, however Schizophrenia and  other “disorders” mentioned were inconclusive at the time due to lack of qualifying criteria from the DSM V Manual. Diagnoses of Sleep Apnea and multiple joint pains were also confirmed.  Hypothyroidism, which was uncontrolled at the initial office visit, was confirmed by a previous partial thyroid panel followed by a complete, updated thyroid panel ordered by Dr. Kaufmann in addition to special antibody testing, which revealed the strong possibility of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, an autoimmune disorder. Other important tests ordered were Vitamin D3, Red Blood Cell Magnesium and Serum B-12 levels which are often low in patients suffering from depression.

Katherine had been suffering silently with grief for several decades from the after effects of repeated severe mental and violent sexual abuse as a young child and adult which led to suppressed emotions. As part of a family of twelve, much was expected of her as a young child and adolescent. In recent years, Katherine started experiencing auditory hallucinations and manic episodes of religious grandeur. Katherine was constantly reliving the traumatic life experiences she endured while awake and in her dreams, but suppressed these emotions for most of her adult life. This, combined with a love of dancing, desire for classical music, food cravings (spicy foods, ice cream, bacon chocolate) and a very strong family history of cancer indicated the need for Carcinosin.

Katherine experienced a mild aggravation of her presenting symptoms and felt tired for a few days after the initial dose and then the depression began to lift. Katherine improved dramatically over the next nine months with several additional doses of Carcinosin in increasing potencies and a change from Synthroid to the natural thyroid hormone replacement West-Throid. A trial of Lithium Carbonate (which she eventually discontinued) while under the care of a Psychiatrist prior to coming to our clinic was helpful for a short period of time. Katherine then tried over-the-counter Lithium Orotate (against the advice of her Psychiatrist) which also helped for a limited period of time and then discontinued the dose abruptly without any professional guidance because she started feeling much better after receiving several doses of Carcinosin. A relapse followed, which included hospitalization for a manic episode which could have been treated successfully with a different homeopathic medicine that matched the acute symptoms she was experiencing. Unfortunately, contact was interrupted for about one month and by that time, Katherine was placed on two anti-convulsant medications and an anti-psychotic which continues presently. None of the joint pain returned, however the depression has intensified with increasing potencies of the prescription medicines and is only relieved with increasing potencies of the original homeopathic medicine, Carcinosin. In order to effect a complete healing, all prescription medicines will have to be titrated down slowly until eliminated with professional guidance in addition to concurrent homeopathic treatment.


Significant progress has been made in this case but this type of condition requires careful, ongoing case management. This may include periodic dosing changes of potency with the homeopathic medicine and the possibility of a new homeopathic medicine whenever there are significant changes in the presenting symptoms.


Heather, (not her real name) is a 39 year old divorced mother of four children who arrived at our clinic with complaints of severe anxiety for the past two and a half years. The anxiety started after her mom passed away, followed by the cessation of cigarette smoking. Heather loves life, is very optimistic about her recovery and loves the people close to her. She has resolved significant grief due to past traumatic events in her life that included sexual abuse and divorce. In the past, anxiety was controlled with certain vitamins and minerals but this approach failed in the last few months. Present symptoms include heart palpitations with difficulty breathing, feelings of anxiety in the heart area, pounding chest without pain and lightheadedness to the point of almost passing out. In addition, the palms of both hands and soles of both feet produce a clammy sweat. All symptoms generally occur in the morning on waking or during anticipation of a future stressful event. Fear of an approaching thunderstorms also produces intense anxiety requiring Heather to remain indoors with the TV or radio turned up to drown out the noise until the storm passes. The anxiety symptoms described last anywhere from thirty minutes to several hours. Heather craves salt, chicken, pineapple (sour) and has a constant thirst for very cold water. Zoloft and Xanax were prescribed by her Primary Care Physician (PCP) which produced minor, temporary relief with unpleasant side effects. Dr. Kaufmann prescribed homeopathic Phosphorous 30C which produced immediate, positive results within several hours after the first dose. Daily doses are no longer needed as the anxiety is almost completely gone after less than eight weeks following the initial treatment. Heather scheduled a follow-up visit with her PCP to discuss a gradual decrease over time in the dose of Zoloft and Xanax. This is still a case-in-progress as it is often necessary to use more than one homeopathic medicine to produce a complete healing while moving towards the elimination of prescription medicines. It is very common to use a higher potency of the original homeopathic medicine when it ceases to produce results or switch to a different medicine as the symptom picture evolves.


Significant progress has been made in this case but this type of condition requires careful, ongoing case management. This may include periodic dosing changes of potency with the homeopathic medicine and the possibility of a new homeopathic medicine whenever there are significant changes in the presenting symptoms.