Now that we’ve covered “Miasms: The Foundation of Homeopathy” as well as “Miasms and Disease – Part 1” and “Miasms and Disease – Part 2” we’ll take a look at why you should care about miasms and what they mean to you and your health.

Miasm treatments are generally called nosodes. The word nosode comes from the Greek word NOSO, which means disease. Nosodes are created or prepared from products of diseases or diseased tissues of human beings, animals and plants.

We’ll cover each miasm briefly below as well as the most common nosode:

The Sycotic Miasm is the miasm of excess and extremes and the conditions which result from consistently living in these extremes. Examples of “extremes” are excessive eating and excessive consumption of alcohol or drugs. The primary remedy for this miasm is called Medorrhinum nosode.

The Syphilis Miasm involves conditions of “erosion” (destruction on all levels but not violent). It involves conditions of self-destruction, ulceration and auto-immune diseases. The person’s mental state is one of fear and anxiety. Often the fear is in the area of physical health issues. The primary remedy for the Syphilis Miasm is Syphilinum.

The Psora Miasm includes diseases of lack and deficiency. There is a poor defense mechanism and a tendency toward illness. They catch every cold rolling through town and take forever to recover. This miasm includes 85% of the illnesses and diseases (both physical and mental) according to Samuel Hahnemann, MD. Psorinum is the primary medicine for this miasm.

The Tuberculosis Miasm includes respiratory diseases, such as tuberculosis. This type of person is a “grass is always greener on the other side” type of person. They are constantly changing jobs, relationships, homes, cities, etc. There’s an extreme lack of contentment and peace. The primary nosode for this miasm is Tuberculinum.

The Cancer Miasm encompasses all disease with growths such as cancer. This person is a people pleaser and extremely insecure and self sacrificing. Individuals with a family history of cancer and diabetes often present with this miasm. Carcinosin is the remedy used to treat the Cancer Miasm.

The Lyme Miasm covers conditions such as Lyme Disease. Where the physical conditions change and evolve as the condition progresses. There can be fatigue, skin lesions, aches, pains and feeling like you don’t belong. The symptoms can come and go. It’s deep and comes out in various acute and chronic symptoms. The treatment nosode is the Lyme nosode.

Now that you’ve recognize yourself in one or many of these miasms, you may ask yourself why it matters. Think about it…we’ve already learned that chronic diseases do not develop overnight. They have to develop over time (sometimes years) and it only happens “if” the entire body is compromised. According to Hahnemann, miasms can be acquired throughout the individuals lifetime or inherited from previous generations. Seeking the diagnosis, treatment and medicine from an experienced Naturopathic doctor gives you the preventative tools you need to circumvent both acute and chronic illnesses. It is also important to note that miasms if they are present are not always treated with the indicated medicines above. The presenting symptoms must match the symptoms that the homeopathic medicine would produce in an otherwise healthy individual. This is the Law of Similars, mentioned previously in another article. It is also important to remember that there are well over 3,000 homeopathic medicines available today to treat just about any known disease or condition. This is why it is very important to seek out an experienced Naturopathic physician or homeopathic prescriber, especially for the treatment of chronic disease.