In past posts this month, we have covered “Miasms: The Foundation of Homeopathy” as well as “Miasms and Disease – Part 1“. If you have not read those informative and foundational posts, please review them so that you can continue your study of miasms in more depth and detail as we progress through this series.

After the three foundational miasms of Psora, Sycotic and Syphillis were defined by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, in the late 1700’s, additional researchers defined the following miasms:

The Tubercular Miasm lies somewhere between the Syphilis and Psora Miasms. Tuberculosis, along with other respiratory illnesses, are prevalent in this miasm. Skin conditions, such as eczema, and bone pain illnesses are also included. This miasm is associated with mental restlessness and discontent. These individuals are constantly seeking for a better life, relationship, job, etc. They bore and tire easily and tend to be plagued with fatigue. They are also prone to compulsive behavior and ritualism. Autism has been associated with this miasm due to the repetitive tendencies of the majority of autistic individuals.

The Cancer Miasm typically involves a growth of some sort, such as cancer. It also has a wide presentation because it attacks multiple organs. It can also present in reckless hyperactivity and excessive sexual activity. The type of individual typically under this miasm is very empathetic, has difficulty making decisions, hypersensitive to criticism, are easily hurt (emotionally) and have a deep desire to please others. They suppress their negative feelings like anger, fear and aggression. They put on an air of cheerfulness and dependability to disguise insecurity and fears. There is often a feeling of being unfulfilled.

The Lyme Miasm includes Lyme disease. These symptoms include aches, pains, skin lesions and fatigue. It is behind many “mystery” diseases and is often very difficult to identify and diagnose due to it’s varied and vast presentation in individuals. In addition to the constantly shifting physical symptoms, there are also a host of mental symptoms to this miasm such as concentration issues and memory loss. The individual may also be extremely irritable and have a tendency to push people away.

There are numerous other miasms which have been identified over the decades but these are the most widely accepted and most generally used by Naturopathic doctors and other homeopathic prescribers. Next we will cover, why you need to be informed and concerned about miasms and how they are used to identify the proper treatments and remedies for illnesses and diseases.