What is Schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is a mental illness characterized by abnormal social behavior and failure to recognize what is real. Symptoms include:

  • Delusions – strongly believing something is true even when there’s no evidence of it
  • Unclear or confused thinking, speaking, or behavior
  • Hallucinations – seeing or hearing things that others do not
  • Reduced social engagement, emotional expression and withdrawal from the things a person used to enjoy
  • Inappropriate appearance, hygiene or conduct with possible loss of motivation and judgment

Causes of Schizophrenia

The causes of schizophrenia are thought to be both genetic (inherited) and environmental. Having a non-parent first-degree relative (sibling or offspring) who’s had the disease gives an individual a  6.5% risk of having it themselves, a 13% risk if one parent is affected, and a 50% risk if both parents are affected. It is thought that many genes are involved with the inherited risk.

Environmental Factors

Environmental factors associated with a higher risk of developing schizophrenia include prenatal stressors (environmental hardships or stressful life events during pregnancy), use of drugs such as amphetamine and cocaine or excessive alcohol use, childhood trauma, death of a parent, being bullied or abused, and factors causing social isolation (immigration due to social adversity, family dysfunction, racial discrimination, unemployment and poor housing conditions).

People Suffering from Schizophrenia in the U.S.

More than 2.2 million people in the United States suffer from schizophrenia. The average age of onset for the disease is 18 in men and 25 in women. Schizophrenia onset is rare for people under 10 years of age, or over 40 years of age.

Prognosis for People Suffering from Schizophrenia for More Than 30 Years

The current prognosis for people diagnosed with schizophrenia more than 30 years ago:

  • 25% — Completely recovered
  • 35% — Much improved, relatively independent
  • 15% — Improved, but require extensive support
  • 10% — Hospitalized, unimproved
  • 15% — Deceased (mostly suicide)

Homeopathic Treatment of Schizophrenia

Traditional medicine is not always successful in the treatment of schizophrenia. Homeopathic medicine has been used successfully to treat schizophrenia dating back to the late 1800’s and early 1900’s when conventional medicine failed.

Homeopathy is a system of medicine based on the law of similars —“like cures like.” Basically, a patient’s symptoms are matched to the symptoms a homeopathic medicine produces. When a match is made, the medicine stimulates the body’s vital force to heal itself in a gentle way.

Homeopathic medicines follow FDA guidelines. The most common form of homeopathic medicines are small round pellets. The pellets are dissolved under the tongue or in pure filtered water and can be taken daily or as a single dose. There are over 3000 homeopathic remedies available.

Homeopathy identifies conditions which may interfere with healing, such as thyroid imbalance, nutritional deficiencies or a toxic relationship. Homeopathy may also be used with a number of supportive therapies such as orthomolecular medicine, clinical nutrition, lifestyle changes, thyroid therapies, dietary supplements and prescription medicines if necessary.

Disclaimer: No statements on this website are intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any condition or disease but rather are given for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of a licensed, trained health care provider when using any dietary supplements, herbal, homeopathic, over-the-counter medicines, prescription drugs or making any dietary or lifestyle changes.