COVID-19 Announcement

We are open and here to support you and your family during the current Public Health crisis that our nation is experiencing. As of June 1, 2020 all patient appointments for behavioral health treatment or symptom management of seasonal colds, flu and other respiratory tract infections will be conducted using a telemedicine format only via HIPAA secure video conferencing or telephone. All initial new patient consultations will require a video conference. Consultations with patients residing outside of Arizona or the U.S. are available. Telemedicine will provide the same level of service as in-office visits and offers the convenience of initial treatment and follow-up care from the privacy of your home or office. Call today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Kaufmann, a Naturopathic Physician with over 16 years of clinical experience using classical homeopathy, botanical medicine, orthomolecular medicine (vitamins and minerals) and clinical nutrition.

Services Offered by Andrew J. Kaufmann, ND

Specializing in treating mental, emotional and behavioral disorders.

Classical Homeopathy

In classical homeopathy, a single medicine is administered followed by a waiting period. This is especially true for chronic conditions which usually develop over a longer period of time and will often require an extended case-taking session.

Botanical Medicine

Botanical Medicine, also known as Herbal Medicine, is the practice of using plants or plant extracts either internally or externally (applied to the skin) to treat various diseases and conditions.

Orthomolecular Medicine

When appropriate we will prescribe targeted vitamin and mineral supplementation.

Thyroid Hormone Treatment

Hypothyroidism, is the most common reason for needing thyroid hormone replacement. The goal of thyroid hormone treatment is to closely replicate normal thyroid functioning.

Clinical Nutrition

With clinical nutrition we can determine the relationship between food and a healthy body. With it we look at the science of nutrients and how they are digested, absorbed, transported, metabolized, stored, and eliminated by the body.

Serotype Dietary Panel (Food Sensitivities)

We’ve found that a person’s mental or emotional conditions may actually be due to the result of food sensitivities. When needed, we’ll do a serotype dietary panel to determine your specific food sensitivities.

Order Routine Laboratory Work

Based on your reported symptoms and conditions we will order routine laboratory work to assist in obtaining a more complete diagnosis for you individually.

Lifestyle Counseling

We provide lifestyle counseling to work cooperatively with classical homeopathic remedies so that you achieve the highest level of health possible for you. This may include dietary and exercise recommendations. We look at all aspects of your life and will counsel you on the changes to make so that you can take full advantage.

Medical Specialist Referrals

When needed we will refer you to a trusted colleague for diagnosis or treatment. At times, we will work in conjunction with the referred medical specialist to provide you with the best treatment option for your specific condition, illness or disorder.

Andrew J. Kaufmann, ND

Dr. Kaufmann is an Arizona board licensed naturopathic physician focusing on naturopathic mental health at Tree of Life Natural Medicine in Gilbert, AZ. Dr. Kaufmann specializes in treating mental, emotional and behavioral disorders.

Mental Disorders

Mental disorders can be chronic and disabling and can severely affect thoughts and perceptions causing strain on both the patient and family.

Emotional Disorders

Although there are many different types of emotional disorders the symptoms are generally the same: uncontrolled worry, restlessness, irritability, inability to focus, muscle tension, and sleep disturbance.

Behavioral Disorders

Behavioral disorders can be caused by psychosis which causes a person to lose contact with reality. Psychosis affects 2.6% of American adults.


There is no single cause of depression and common symptoms include: sad mood, loss of enjoyment and interest in activities, fatigue, loss of confidence, feelings of guilt, and in some cases thoughts of death or suicide.


I decided to seek help to continue my healing journey as an adult child of an alcoholic. Having already done the program step work with ACOA (Adult Children of Alcoholics), I felt I wanted to pursue continued help through homeopathy to compliment what work I had already done to overcome codependency and anxiety to access the most benefit on my journey towards becoming whole again. Upon my first visit with Dr. Kaufmann, I experienced full attention to my needs. Dr. Kaufmann has worked with me through the months that followed on office visits and also phone consultations. I am very happy with my continued healing. I've been able to continue to work through tough issues as they come up with the help of prescribed homeopathic medicines. Dr. Kaufmann's care in closely monitoring where I'm at during my journey has helped me gain more insight about myself in order to move forward. I am very grateful.

C. V.
Scottsdale, AZ

It has been really nice for me to have a doctor with such great knowledge and integrity. You are someone that I know I can always rely on. I’m moving out of state tomorrow but hope I can find a doctor that really cares about my health (Obsessive-compulsive disorder and Anxiety) just like you have. This is a clinic that really cares. The team at Tree of Life Natural Medicine devoted much time and effort to help me improve my mental health. Dr. Kaufmann also has a wide knowledge of how to best utilize dietary and nutritional supplements, which I found to be particularly useful. Thanks for all your dedication. I wish the very best for you and your wonderful wife Sandee!

J. T.
Salt Lake City, UT

My mother was 83 years old when she began treatment with Dr. Kaufmann following her first stroke. After her second stroke, the Cardiologist in the hospital insisted on inserting a feeding tube which I refused. His only other option was to send her home to die as a hospice patient. Although she suffered a second stroke and multiple trans-ischemic attacks, mom is now 89 years old and walking enthusiastically with the aid of a walker at an assisted living facility. She has a history of diabetes, congestive heart failure and depression, however, Dr. Kaufmann has carefully and compassionately managed her case using homeopathic medicine for nearly six years. This has allowed my mom to experience an exceptional quality of life given her many health challenges. Our family would recommend Dr. Kaufmann to anyone of any age because he is an expert at homeopathy!

K. S.
Gilbert, AZ

I am so glad God lead me here.... so happy I found a doctor who actually listens. Dr. Kaufmann has helped me so much. I had been dealing with anxiety before I found him and now I feel great. I would recommend Dr. Kaufmann to everybody!!!! He and his wife are such a blessing!!!!

H. E.
Mesa, AZ

Dr. Kaufmann has been wonderful. He listened to our concerns, and was proactive with trying new things through both conventional and homeopathic medicine. My son has Down Syndrome and sometimes what works for others, doesn't work for a child with special needs. Dr. Kaufmann realizes this, and is understanding and compassionate. He has been a life saver for our family.

M. T.
Chandler, AZ
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Meet our Team

Andrew J. Kaufmann, ND

Dr. Kaufmann received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology graduating cum laude from Southampton College, Long Island University, N.Y. in 1998.   After relocating to Arizona, Dr. Kaufmann graduated with a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and Health Sciences in Tempe, AZ.  Upon receiving his medical degree in 2003, Dr. Kaufmann joined a naturopathic group practice as an Associate Physician practicing Family Medicine at Scottsdale Natural Medicine and Healing Clinic before relocating to San Carlos, AZ in 2004 to become Medical Director for the San Carlos Apache Tribe Diabetes Prevention Program.  In addition to Medical Director, Dr. Kaufmann was also the interim Community Outreach and Education Manager, Project Coordinator and co-author of the Special Diabetes Program for Indians, a federally funded Community Directed grant.  After leaving San Carlos in 2011, Dr. Kaufmann and his wife, Sandra Kay Kaufmann, created Tree of Life Natural Medicine, a Family Medicine clinic specializing in Naturopathic Mental Health.

Dr. Kaufmann is board licensed in Family Medicine by the Arizona Naturopathic Physicians Medical Board. Dr. Kaufmann is a member of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, Arizona Naturopathic Medical Association, Psychiatric Association of Naturopathic Physicians and Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians. He is also Board Member Treasurer for the National Center for Homeopathy and is on the Medical Advisory Board of Naturopathic Economics, LLC.  In addition, Dr. Kaufmann is the former Vice-President of Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine Alumni Association (2008 to 2011).

Sandra Kay Kaufmann-Office/General Manager

It is with great sadness that I announce to all our patients, colleagues and friends the passing of my beloved wife, best friend and Sister-in-Christ, Sandra K. Kaufmann on April 2, 2020. She was called home to Heaven by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ after a long, courageous battle with cancer that destroyed her body but never her sweet, sweet spirit.

“We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord” – 2nd Corinthians 5:8

After very prayerful consideration, I have decided to continue on with this practice that she was so instrumental in founding because this is what Sandra wanted me to do.

Please keep myself, our family and this practice in your prayers. Thank you for all the cards and offers of condolences I have received.

May God richly bless each of you and your family members in the days ahead.

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